A sister had a bowl of water on the floor at each of the four cardinal compass points in her house to apparently channel the earth's electromagnetic field to give her energy.
An old Ukrainian sister would suck lollies at the meeting, but would never have a whole one but suck it for a bit and then put it back into the jar for next time. Worst thing was, she'd offer them to other people.
A Filipina sister would always find some edible plant to graze on in householders' gardens, every time she went out witnessing.
I myself ran screaming from a few doors if I saw a wasp or wasps nearby because of my extreme fear of them. That was not an eccentricity as much as a psychological problem rooted in the fact that wasp stings are lethal to me and the territory had zillions of them. Anyone who hadn't been witnessing with me before or didn't know me was in for a shock if a wasp rushed me at the door.